2020 Vision for a Green New Chicago
Meet Chris, Julia, Eliana, and Dejah — Sunrise Chicago core-team members who share their hopes and goals for climate justice in the coming year.
Christopher Walsh: Tech Team Lead
Why is the Sunrise Movement important for Chicago? I don’t like the path we are currently going down as a nation, in regards to our policy on the climate, and the many other issues we face, that are just not being given enough priority. I feel the movement is important for Chicago because if enough change is made, our city could become a shining example of what a GND (Green New Deal) future looks like to inspire politicians across the nation to put their faith on it.
What are you looking forward to in 2020? I’m looking forward to growing a much larger movement here in Chicago. I envision tripling the amount of hubs here so everyone has a nearby branch to be a part of. I also hope for our core team in the Chicago Hub to expand to ~50 active members so we can take on projects at the scale we imagine and not have to cutback for capacity sake.
Julia Rettig: Communications Team Lead
Why is the Sunrise Movement important for Chicago? There is so much important climate work being done in Chicago that has been happening for years. We’re so excited to continue forging relationships and working alongside community groups, while activating a new generation of young Chicagoans. The youth we’re organizing now will hopefully continue to be climate champions for the rest of their lives. That’s super energizing to me.
What are you looking forward to in 2020? I am looking forward to expanding our reach even further and starting regional hubs across the city in order to ensure that all Chicagoans are able to take leadership in the climate movement. We’ve just started the decade of the Green New Deal! We have to keep growing if we’re going to win.
Eliana Herman: Hub Co-Coordinator
Why is the Sunrise Movement important for Chicago? For a Green New Deal that is truly revolutionary and addresses the scale of the climate crisis, we need everyone. Sunrise is important for Chicago because it provides an expansive justice framework (bringing together environmental, racial, and economic justice) to create change on the scale we need. As a hub that originated on the north side and is still predominantly white, we have far to go in actually being representative of this city. But in 2020 that is the work we will focus on. Join us!
What are you looking forward to in 2020? 2020 will be a huge year for all of us. I’m looking forward to our community working together to elect Green New Deal Champions at every level of government. I’m looking forward to laying the groundwork this year for what will be the decade of the Green New Deal.
Dejah Powell: Fundraising Team Lead
Why is the Sunrise Movement important for Chicago? I grew up in predominantly black communities in the South suburbs of Chicago and on the South Side of Chicago. I see, first hand, the effects of racism, which has resulted in significant disinvestment in black and brown communities. The Green New Deal offers hope of another reality, one where we address the climate crisis, but also bring good, green jobs to all communities and where we center environmental justice. I’ll often stare out of the window and imagine my surroundings in a world where the Green New Deal is actualized. That’s why I’m doing this work with Sunrise; I can’t wait to see it!
What are you looking forward to in 2020? I’m most excited to support some of the awesome candidates we’ve endorsed! I’m also really excited about the mass mobilizations, and planning work around Earth Day 2020. It’s going to be a lot to organize, but also definitely worth it!